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Sunday, November 27, 2011

Shakira to sing in Egypt

Latina pop star Shakira is scheduled to perform in Egypt on 13 January after the concert dates were postponed several times due to unstable conditions and the parliamentary elections.

Event organizer Waleed Mansour said the main purpose of  the event is to show the world that Egypt is safe and tourists can visit.

The Colombian singer's recent trip to Israel prompted concerns about her planned concert in Egypt. The concert was originally scheduled for 29 November.

“This singer is not Egyptian and so we are not responsible for her personal opinions. We will celebrate her art and not her political positions,” the concert organizer said.

The concert will be held at the hockey stadium in Nasr City, Cairo, which accommodates 15,000 people. Ticket prices will range from LE150 to LE500.

The pop diva will sing for an hour and a half and will be preceded by DJ Antoine Clamaran and other Mexican and Italian performers.

Shakira is choosing an Egyptian artist who will join her on stage for one song, Mansour said.
The concert will be recorded and sold to a satellite channel, mostly likely Al-Hayat.

Mansour declined to say how much Shakira will be paid for the concert but added that the sponsor mobile phone company will pay 70 percent of her fees.

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